Activity 2 - Create a Photo That Looks Old
For this activity, you need to download the following image:
Then, as you watch the videos below, you need to be working with the image in Photoshop Elements. What you see being done in the videos, you need to be doing as well to the image you have downloaded.
Note also that the video instructions start each effect on the original photo. However, when working with YOUR photo, you should progressively add each effect to each prior result. When you are finished watching the videos, you should have an image of your own that you are ready to show Mr. Locke. Then you'll be ready to move on to the next activity. |
1 - Introduction
4 - Burn and Dodge
2 - Hue, Saturation and Lightness
5 - Filters: Blur and Noise
3 - Brightness and Contrast
6 - Creating Scratches
7 - Missing Edges