Now it's time to to create your very own Makey Makey project.
Here are the guidelines (make sure you read all of these before starting):
Here are the guidelines (make sure you read all of these before starting):
- Your project must be constructed in such a way that the Makey Makey itself is HIDDEN.
- The connecting wires/alligator clips must also be hidden (as much as possible).
- Your project must have a clear purpose. For example, maybe it's a controller that is used to play a video game. Or maybe it's a musical instrument. However, it certainly doesn't have to be one of those! Can you come up with another creative purpose for your project? Hmmm....
- If you want to use a cardboard box from the Tech Room, just ask Mr. Locke first. You may also choose to bring your own box from home, especially if you have one that will work perfectly for what you have in mind.
- You may want to use tin foil for your project. Mr. Locke has lots of that. However, you can certainly feel free to bring in other materials instead. Remember, anything that is conductive will work with the Makey Makey.
- You should design your cardboard box so that it actually looks nice. One way to go about this is to tape white paper to it and then colour your project with pencil crayons. But you can do other things as well. Whatever you do, your finished project should look like more than just a cardboard box with some holes punched in it and some tin foil taped in place.
- It is very important that all group members be engaged in this project. If it becomes obvious to me that one or more group members are not contributing, I will remove them from the project and give them something else to work on instead.
- Finally, you need to understand that there's an important difference between playing a game with the Makey Makey and playing a game with just the keyboard and/or mouse. If I see you playing games with your Makey Makey project, I will be happy. If I see you playing games WITHOUT using the Makey Makey, I will not be happy. Please keep me happy. Happy is good. :)