Before you actually start this Minecraft station, I want you to send me an email.
This has nothing to do with Minecraft. I just want to make sure that you know how to send emails from your school account. You'll be in high school soon, so this is probably something that you should know how to do. My email address: [email protected] For the 'Subject Line', type "Tech Email". For the actual message itself, I want you to write a complete sentence about your favourite hobby. Finally, I want you to download a picture of the hobby and then attach the file to your email. Do NOT simply copy and paste an image for this. Instead, you need to DOWNLOAD the actual picture file to your computer and then attach it by clicking the paper clip button. Once you've done all of the above, hit 'Send'. If you need help with any of this, ask the people in your group first and then ask me if you still can't get it. Now...on to Minecraft... |
A shortcut to launch Minecraft should be located on the desktop of your computer. If it's not there, let Mr. Locke know and he should be able to install it for you.
When you open Minecraft, you will need to login using your Office 365 account.
When you open Minecraft, you will need to login using your Office 365 account.
Once you have successfully launched Minecraft, you need to complete the lessons below (in the order in which they are listed).
Whenever you complete a whole section, you should show Mr. Locke before you move on to the next one.
Whenever you complete a whole section, you should show Mr. Locke before you move on to the next one.