The first thing you need to do for this stage is attach the xylophone and mallet accessories to Dash. See the picture below. It is important that you place the mallet on the correct side or none of this will work properly.
Once you have properly attached the accessories, turn on both Dash and Dot and then open the Xylo app on the iPad.
From here, you have TWO options:
NOTE: If you cannot get the Xylophone to work properly, try taking it off and re-attaching it. It needs to be on just right in order to work.
From here, you have TWO options:
- Choose a song from the list of those available and make Dash play it. While Dash is playing it, Dot should be nearby and should be flashing the appropriate colours throughout the song.
- Create your own song with the Xylo app and get Dash to play that one instead. Again, Dot should be flashing the appropriate colours while Dash is playing.
NOTE: If you cannot get the Xylophone to work properly, try taking it off and re-attaching it. It needs to be on just right in order to work.
Just like before, you need to record a quick video on your video camera to document what you have done in this stage. At the beginning of the video, one of the group members will state which song Dash is supposed to play and then you will record Dash playing and Dot flashing. If it does not work properly, then you will need to push the stop button on the camera, delete the video, figure out what went wrong and then try again. Once you have successfully documented the performance, you can move on to the next stage.