Watch the video on the right first.
It's a kid somewhere around your age, talking about the benefits of learning how to type properly. He's using a site called Keybr.com. There's nothing wrong with that site, but we'll be using Typing.com in Tech class because it's easier for me to keep track of your progress that way. I can't state enough how much I agree with the things he says in the video. I was a little younger than you when I started getting serious about learning how to type and it really paid off. I can promise you that you will become faster and more accurate if you stick with the proper way of typing. It's a great skill to have and you'll always be happy that you acquired it. |
When creating your Typing.com account:
For your username, type your school username (the same one that you use to log into the school computers). For your password, type your school password (again, the same one that you use to log into the school computers). For your email address, type your school email address. |